Thursday 8 February 2018

Robert Baratheon crown

Trying to get a great photo is time consuming.  I'm hoping this has hit the spot.  I also decided to go with our 3d printed logo in the background, instead of the traditional watermark in software.

Anyway, this crown is available in our store along with #renlybaratheon and #joffreybaratheon 

#3dprinted #robertbaratheon #crown by #aurorawoodco 

Aurora Woodworking Co

Monday 22 January 2018

Renly Baratheon Game of Thrones crown 1:1 scale Cosplay - 3D Printed

New to Aurora Woodworking  is the #crown worn by #renlybaratheon  #gameofthrones 

We now have the complete set #renlybaratheon #robertbaratheon and #joffreybaratheon #royalcrown - check it out here on our cosplay page.  Singles and sets

#awoodco #aurorawoodworkingco #cosplay #costume #costumeplay #jobsnow #gots7 #comicon #aryastark #game #gameofthrones #of #got #jonsnow #lannister #baratheon #cersei #tyrion #tyrell #stark #targaryen #arya #thepurplewedding #jamie #robbstark #sansa #frey #catelyn #reek #rickon #thehound #imp #theredwedding #nedstark #bolton #halfman #jon #snow #winterfel 

and the award goes to........

a mard #child, an outstanding #employee or even the #Worlds best #Mum #Dad?

#Academy #Awards, #Oscar #artistic and #technical merit #award - #Film #Industry #statuette 1:1 Scale 13.5" in Height - #3DPrinted

Take a look at 

We can also create custom prints including company logos, #cosplay #film #props

Aurora Woodworking Company